Saturday, November 17, 2007

Here's an interesting interview with Kristy Bowen.

Last night's party for the Oregon Book Awards finalists was fun! A great turn out and excellent readings.

This weekend it's raining, I have papers to grade and we're going to Mcminnville.

I haven't made any collages in a really long time, but over the holidays I hope to.

Monday, November 12, 2007

I know

I never post anymore! But I'm not ready to surrender the blog. No! I can do it!

Ah well.

I read at Wordstock this weekend and that was pretty fun. It was good to see Zanni! I have been getting up early to write - I aim for three mornings a week.

The book awards are very soon and this Friday is the party for the Oregon Book Awards finalists at the Ace Hotel. It's free so please come!

Maybe in December I will post more often. Yes!