Sunday, February 25, 2007

Oscar Night

I want Mark Wahlberg to win but I bet he won't.

It's week eight of the term and I'm busy with classes and papers and all that good stuff.

I'm reading Undaunted Courage, about the Lewis and Clark expedition and trying to imagine my neighborhood as all frontier.

Last night on a brief evening walk with the dogs I saw something cross the street that didn't look like a cat. It disappeared quickly. Maybe a possum.

I imagine my neighborhood in the 1800's, near the Columbia river, teeming with foxes and raccoons and possums. And blackberries, lots of blackberries. In the 1950's this neighborhood was all farmland, so it's really not that much of a stretch to imagine it unhoused.

Max and Laura's teams both won their games yesterday.

Laura's hair was red but yesterday she dyed it back to light brown. So now it is light brown with some red streaks.

I have been eating too many Girl Scout cookies.

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