Sunday, December 30, 2007

Saying Goodbye to 2007

This is from a Keats altered book I'm working on.

Soon it will be 2008. I'm ready!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Vacation

I am having a good vacation so far!

I got a cool new blue ipod from Michael for Xmas. And one of those Nike plus things that attaches to your ipod and tracks how far you run. Amy and I are doing challenges - I ran 3.5 miles today and Lance Armstrong congratulated me at the end!

I watched MANY episodes of Project Runway and a few less many of Biggest Loser this week.

I"m reading Then We Came to The End by Joshua Ferris, working on the new Caffeine Destiny, and enjoying life in general.

Sending out my manuscript to a few places tomorrow or the next day. I was first runner up in the Kore Press manuscript competition so I decided that was a good sign.

Max got a cell phone for Christmas. We gave him the complete Chronicles of Narnia on audio CD, which I think he will listen to eventually.

I am listening to the Challengers by the New Pornographers. I am a huge Neko Case fan so I hope she comes back to Portland in 2008.

We're going to Pinback in February.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Vacation

I am on vacation! I want to clean my office and get my manuscript submitted to a few place and make some collages over the break. And begin getting the new Caffeine Destiny done, but I'm not going to push myself to get it done super fast. By the end of January is fine.

Also, over vacation I'm going to sit and stare at my Christmas tree. I enjoy that a lot.

I am listening to WNYC, broadcast from New York City. I haven't done that in a long time.

I am reading Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. I want to finish it over vacation.

Interesting article in the New Yorker this week about how much Gordon Lish edited Raymond Carver and how Carver didn't like it so much, after the first book.

I made fudge but it didn't set. So free super soft fudge to the first ten people who respond!

I am so kidding.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007