Thursday, June 21, 2007

Here I am!

I haven't been updating this lately, which I know is no way to maintain a fan base! All 14 of you...

Michael and I saw Michael Ondaatje at the Portland Art Museum on Monday, and if you went yes that was Michael and I giving out programs.

I made bread today.

Today it's officially summer. I've read two Josephine Tey mysteries in the last few weeks. I need a big summer read, and I think I'm going to read Divisadero, Ondaatje's new book.

I haven't finished a poem in a few weeks. Michael is getting up very early to go play golf tomorrow so maybe I'll get up early with him and write before I go to work.

Or just go back to sleep. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

John Gallaher said...

I wish I were making bread today. I haven't made bread in years. I'll go buy some instead . . .