Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sunday Night

It's Sunday and it seems I have quite a bit of grading coming my way this week. What better reason to blog!

The Girl Scout cookies have arrived and we have 107 boxes in our house right now. More accurately, we have 103 unopened boxes and four opened ones. I love the thin mints.

I went to a yoga class today. I haven't been in a yoga class since the one I took for about two weeks with Zanni when we were at PSU. The PSU one had about forty students I think. Today's class had four students. I really liked it.

Max got a baseball helmet and a bat and balls today. He's getting ready for Little League.

New York City has more snow than they've ever had!

Caffeine Destiny is closed to submissions right now. I made a note of it on the web site. And I set the submission email to autoresponse, so if people send things to that email they get an automated "we are not reading submissions right now" email. I need to get through winter term before I can start reading submissions again. The new issues gos online in late February or early March.

I finished The Birth of Venus. It was alright, but I can't say I'd wholeheartedly recommend it.

I can, however, recommend In The Absent Everyday by Tsering Wangma Dhompa. I have been reading it this weekend.

Full moon tonight. I am going to go get in the hot tub now and look at it.

1 comment:

Zanni said...

I LOVE Tsering Wangmo Dhompa! I haven't finished In The Absent Everyday yet, but I love it so far.

I totally forgot about that yoga class until you reminded me!