Monday, April 10, 2006


I made this a while ago... I should make some bunny collages or something. April is not the cruelest month, but it's a teaching whirlwind over here in these parts!

Brigit was good, not quite what I expected, but I'm glad I went.

Max's first baseball game got cancelled on account of rain. Tomorrow he's going on an overnight field trip so he'll miss the next game too. But it's raining hard again today, so will there even be a game? No doubt the question on everyone's lips - the Little Leaguers lips anyway - for much of the spring.

Tori and I exchanged mix CDs. And many other less tangible things.

I'm going to a Loggernaut reading on Thursday. Fortunately, poetry readings are very rarely cancelled on account of rain.

However, before then, a lot of teaching to do.

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