Thursday, September 29, 2005

Gardens and Imaginative Constructs

The colchicum have arrived! I planted them in the front and back yard, and kept one for inside. They arrive already sprouted, but their stems are very pale. They look sort of alien like right now, but are supposed to bloom pale purple.

Read a little of Stanley Kunitz's The Wild Braid: A Poet Reflects on a Century in the Garden today. He writes:
In the beginning, a garden holds infinite possiblities. What sense of its nature, or its kingdom, is it going to convey? It represents a selection, not only of whatever individual plants we consider to be beautiful, but also a synthesis that creates a new kind of beauty, that of a complex and multiple world. What you plant in your garden reflects your own sensibility, your concept of beauty, your sense of form. Every true garden is an imaginative construct, after all.
Have moved out of the Dylan and am now listening to Dolorean . They are labeled by music reviewers as alt-country, which is also sometimes known as "insurgent country". Which is also an imaginative construct.

I like talking to my husband when he gets home from work. And when he brings me truffles on a Thursday, I like that too. Thanks baby!

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